

Searching for a specific team member to contact regarding your project? Feel free to call or email us!

senior management team
Robert Babst, Sr.
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 241)
Rob Babst, Jr.
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 245)
Ed Ball
Vice President of Sales & Marketing/Director of Customer Relations
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 250)
Email ED
Jim Cummings
Vice President of QA/Director of ITAR and NADCAP Compliance
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 202)
Email jim
Rene Espinosa
Director of Mexico Operations
+52-614-483-1317 (ext. 102)
Email rene
Duane Heinrich
Heat Treatment Division Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 401)
Email duane
bob potter
Vice President of NDT/New Business Development
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 609)
Email bob
richard smith
Vice President of Operations
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 222)
Email richard
management team
Jon Crone
Sales Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 253)
Email Jon
Owen Mclain
Heat Treatment Operations Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 500)
Email owen
Andrae Grisamore
Paint Shop Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 203)
Email andrae
Brittany Best
Logistics Manager
Email brittany
Brad Langrehr
Paint Shop Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 242)
Email brad
Nick Chrans
Shot Peening Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 281)
Email nick
Ramon Becerra
Chemical Processing Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 203)
Email Ramon
Noemi Ball
Customer Service Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 208)
Email Noem
Michael Vaughn
Second Shift Manager
Email Michael
Phil Cox
Director of IT
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 244)
Email phil
Paul Petersen
Non-Destructive Testing Manager (all facilities)
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 600)
Email paul
Gene Shockley
Polish Shop Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 225)
Email gene
Dale Crouch
Plant Manager DSI Wellington
(620) 326-7655 (ext. 303)
Email dale
Alvero Antiga-Esparza
Processing Manager Murdock
(620) 326-7655 (ext. 611)
Email Alvero
Ashley Widener
3rd Shift Plant Manager
(316) 267-7289
(316) 267-7289
Email Ashley
kathy patry
Accounts Payable
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 221)
Email kathy
Trevor Ball
Accounts Receivable
(316) 267-7288 (ext. 274)
Email Trevor
customer service
Justine Bodenhamer
Customer Service Representative
Email Justine
Laura Acosta
Customer Service Representative
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 248)
Email Laura
Jenni Pearson
Customer Service Representative
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 240)
Email Jenni
Christy Morace
Customer Service Representative
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 215)
Email Christy
Kayla Kimmi-Best
Customer Service Representative
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 268)
Email Kayla
Karla Hernandez
Customer Service Representative
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 201)
Email karla
Candy Martinez
Customer Service Representative
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 243)
Email Candy
Bret Hubbard
Rework Coordinator
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 251)
Email Bret
Karen Lemoine
Customer Service Representative
Email Karen
Jeremie Gerten
Senior Quality Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 275)
Email Jeremie
Matt Langrehr
Heat Treatment Quality Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 509)
Email Matt
jack davis
Quality Manager Emeritus
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 219)
Email Jack
Laura Ledesma
Quality Manager DSI Wellington Plant
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 304)
Email Laura
Amphay Inthachak
Planning Supervisor
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 236)
Email Amphay
Edit Soltero
Senior Quality/Methods Engineer
Email Edit
Trevor Ball
Estimating and Billing Manager
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 274)
Email trevor
Sandy Milner
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 249)
Email sandy
Erik Gott
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 204)
Email erik
Tim Cunningham
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 239)
Email tim
human resources
kevin dean
Human Resource Director
(316) 267-7289 (ext. 2746)
Contact Metal finishing company

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